Disconnect to reconnect – Drive project sustainability

Disconnect to reconnect

Every year it feels like we slide sideways into Christmas, drowning in extra to-do’s and expel our final breath of work before blinking only to see presents, loved ones and (hopefully) a well-deserved trip away.


Our cups are empty, drained by the constant change, uncertainty and never-ending problems (or challenges if you’re an optimist).


Projects see January as the trickle-month. Team members return in stages, some taking a second break in late January, just before the kids go back to school.


This year a not-so-new risk is growing. People are so busy they’re returning on the 5th, or 10th and straight back into it. Globally we’ve seen a turbulent two years and without the escape to island beaches or visiting family abroad many have worked through, taking just a day here or there. Our brains and bodies need to disconnect.


We all know the value of a good break, yet we’re short-changing our quality of life due to demand. Just as we define and enforce quality for our products and projects, so must we for our people. As project leaders we are entrusted with key people from our organisation to produce results and create outcomes.


Ask yourself, are you helping or hindering the situation? Are you working to promote engagement, support self-care and deliver your projects in a way that focuses on value (for all). Ensure you make time to disconnect in order to reconnect.


Strive for project leadership that balances results with sustainability. Value with engagement. Reward with return. Ensure you and your team are getting a break, create space in the project and take time to look ahead into 2022 – how will you support your people? Because if there is anything we do know, it’s that 2022 will be busier and just as unpredictable.


Look after people, they are our biggest asset, and remember to lead by example – fill your own cup.

– Kristie Fogarty

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